We got to go to the dog park today! I told ya'll that we should have went yesterday, Saturday when it was 104 degrees! This pictures belies the weather as it was semi-cold. I guess for the slaves it was ok, but it was NOT that warm. Momslave said it was probably in the high 70's or low 80's. Well, it felt cold to us, and Jenna had her tail down at times, indicating that she was cold. But then she is a wus anyways. We had some friends join us today. Baree and Scout, Scout is the tri basenji that is on the table, Baree is the one closest to Jenna who is on the bench. Actually truth be told, and I always try and tell the truth, this photo was not taken today. But this is OUR picnic table and we always take it over, even if other people and dogs are there. We had another friend show up with her 2 basenji's also. Sanna and Rooti are both red and white. Sanna gets along with other dogs, but not with other basenjis. Go figure that one out will ya! So momslave had to let Sanna's slave Diane borrow one of our muzzles for Sanna. After that Sanna did ok, found out that she could not bite one of us (baseni's, but still she did some snarking). Dianeslave had to keep Rooti on a leash most of the time as he would wonder off and just start following other people. When momslave would call him, he came back, but Dianeslave got tired of the hassel (as she calls it) and put Rooti back on the leash.
We had a fun. There was a dog there that wanted to play, but he started running instead, & we all joined in in chasing him. The humans were laughing and kept yelling at all of us to run, run run. Which we did. The other dog finally gave up the run, so that ended the chase. But it was fun while it lasted.
This park also has a "sit and stay" cafe. Momslave had the 3 of us on our gentle leaders attached to the leash. That wasn't fun. There's food to be had! People had food on the tables, and we needed to get to those people so we could get to the food, but that's why momslave had us on the leash with the gentle leaders on. Said that we were not to grab other people's food. WHAT! Now that is so totally NOT fair.
I guess overall it was an ok day. Not too hot, a tad chilly (windy since we were right across from San Fran). Till next time, ya'all come back now, ya hear.
There used to be 3 of us basenji's. Dannii is with us in spirit, so technically we are still 3. You just can't see Dannii; but Jenna and I can. He's still with us. I have my own way of doing things, and Jenna will now have to tow the mark! If that doesn't work, then what you get is what you get...Basenji Troublemakers!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
HOT boy is it HOT
This was really a messed up morning for momslave. First off, it is already hot outside at 7a.m. Think I heard her say it was almost 77 degrees. Something like that. We know's she going to work, cuz she has her binder thingie and frozen water bottle. She leaves us home alone. Thought she would leave the front door open with the security screen door locked, but say's no, its going to be too hot. We like sitting at the open door and stare at the kitties. It is hot already. But wait, what do we hear? Momslave is back! yea.......maybe we can go to the nice dog park. We gets all excited and start prancing and looking at our leashes, but nope, momslave say's her first student of the morning cancelled as she was sick. (see momslave is a driving instructor, whatever that is). Say's she still has to go to work, but just a tad bit later in the morning. The 3 of us run out to the backyard and back again trying to let her know we want to go to the park. Its a no go. She's gotta go to work. What for? She always (at least most of the time), come's home smelling like another dog! I mean really, if your a driving instructor, aren't you suppose to be in the car going places, and not smell like a dog? She told us that some of her student's have dogs, and their dogs smell us on her, so they have to come and sniff her and then their smell gets on her! We think that's rude!! How dare she pet another dog when we are stuck at home in a house with NO air conditioning? When the new's was on, we heard her tell sonslave that the temp today was 104 degrees! YIKES. That's hot.
This picture was taken a few years ago in July when it got up to 114 degrees. Momslave could not figure out why we would choose to lay on the carpet, when the kitchen floor or even the garage floor was a whole lot cooler. Well, we're basenji's and are unpredictable and we do as we please. If we want to lay on the carpet, then we will lay on the carpet. This is me in the middle with a purple collar on. I got sprayed by a skunk a few months ago, and that collar was thrown away. I now have a nice red one. Jenna is in front of me and the ol grump, Dannii is behind me. Looks like he's going to try and goose me in the behind.
We're going to try and go to sleep now. Its still very hot and no breeze at all. Momslave say's its cooler outside than what it is on the inside. Go figure. If she wants to sleep outside, then she can go sleep outside. We prefer the bed thank you very much.
Honestly we do not bite, you can bribe us with any kind of treat and we will sit for you, well, Dannii sometime's he jumps up and starts his dancin' routine. Please come and visit us. Till next time, ya'll come back now, ya hear?

We're going to try and go to sleep now. Its still very hot and no breeze at all. Momslave say's its cooler outside than what it is on the inside. Go figure. If she wants to sleep outside, then she can go sleep outside. We prefer the bed thank you very much.
Honestly we do not bite, you can bribe us with any kind of treat and we will sit for you, well, Dannii sometime's he jumps up and starts his dancin' routine. Please come and visit us. Till next time, ya'll come back now, ya hear?
Friday, August 28, 2009
Momslave wants new furniture........yeah, right
Hi folks, its me Zak. Momslave just got home from work about a half hour ago. She's only letting us use the computer for a short time before she has to go to bed to start work in the morning.
Momslave would love to have new carpet. Can you guess why it will never happen?
"She lives with 3 Basenji's"! This was my handiwork. Pretty good, if I do say so myself. It took a long time to chew up that much carpet.
Then she would also love to have some new furniture. Maybe a loveseat and a recliner. Can you guess why she will never get those either?
Because, she lives with 3 basenji's! You should have known that by now. You have to make due with what you have. I like comfort, and that chair just was not providing me with the comfort I was looking for. Now, its nice and comfy.
Momslave would also love to have one of the cats living back in the house! I don't think so.......even tho this is NOT Jenna, she would without a pause in her step, do that kitty bodily damage. As in kill it deader that a snake! She's just not too friendly with kitties. Me, I can take 'em or leave 'em, doesn't much matter. I like to get them to run, so I can chase them and grab them by their fur. But, I hate getting a mouthful of fur, and its dang hard to spit out.
We live in California, northern part....about 60 miles from San Francisco, whereever that is. I've never been there, but momslave says we are always right across the bay from San Fran when we go to the dog park at Pt. Isable. I like that park, its big and had lots of good smells. Lots of holes from grophers or moles, at least something that smell's like that. Momslave won't let us try and catch anything. Doesn't she know that is what we do? Basenji's are from Africa and are used for hunting. I like to try and hunt my food when I am given the chance, but nooooooo, she just makes me "leave it". The picture of the 3 amegos are on one of the picnic tables, but it was cloudy that day or fog, whatever.......so you can't see San Fran in the back ground.
We sure wish someone, anyone, would leave us a comment, and let us know how we are doing. We just wanna be liked and have some kind of following. We see that Piper has got more followers than we do, but probably some of them is family, which is ok. We are trying to get our family to join and follow us too, but jeez every one is so busy nowadays. What is there to be busy about anyways? We sleep in the warm sunshine, we eat, and we play (sometimes, depends on who your asking) and then we eat. Then there is that other stuff than I am not mentioning. BTW, Jenna did poo on the carpet this morning. I saw her do it. Mom just cleaned it up when she woke up, and was not very happy with her royal highness......ha
Till next time, ya'll got come and visit us. We don't bite or bark. We may growl, but we're push over for treats.

"She lives with 3 Basenji's"! This was my handiwork. Pretty good, if I do say so myself. It took a long time to chew up that much carpet.
Then she would also love to have some new furniture. Maybe a loveseat and a recliner. Can you guess why she will never get those either?

We live in California, northern part....about 60 miles from San Francisco, whereever that is. I've never been there, but momslave says we are always right across the bay from San Fran when we go to the dog park at Pt. Isable. I like that park, its big and had lots of good smells. Lots of holes from grophers or moles, at least something that smell's like that. Momslave won't let us try and catch anything. Doesn't she know that is what we do? Basenji's are from Africa and are used for hunting. I like to try and hunt my food when I am given the chance, but nooooooo, she just makes me "leave it". The picture of the 3 amegos are on one of the picnic tables, but it was cloudy that day or fog, whatever.......so you can't see San Fran in the back ground.
We sure wish someone, anyone, would leave us a comment, and let us know how we are doing. We just wanna be liked and have some kind of following. We see that Piper has got more followers than we do, but probably some of them is family, which is ok. We are trying to get our family to join and follow us too, but jeez every one is so busy nowadays. What is there to be busy about anyways? We sleep in the warm sunshine, we eat, and we play (sometimes, depends on who your asking) and then we eat. Then there is that other stuff than I am not mentioning. BTW, Jenna did poo on the carpet this morning. I saw her do it. Mom just cleaned it up when she woke up, and was not very happy with her royal highness......ha
Till next time, ya'll got come and visit us. We don't bite or bark. We may growl, but we're push over for treats.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
This is Jenna. I'm a girl basenji. Momslave call's me pretty girl (sometimes), and some not so nice name other
times. See, Zak and I don't get to sleep with momslave, we sleep with the sonslave. Only his highness (Dannii) gets to sleep with momslave.
Dannii say's its because he's been here the longest, and that there was another female living here at the time too. She was a black and white basenji girl named MzLilli. He let Lilli sleep with him and momslave, but after Lilli crossed over the rainbow bridge, he liked having the bed to himself. If he could, he would even get momslave out of the bed, and have it all to himself. As if that would ever happen.
Anyway, back to me. It's ALL about me. See, I was what they call "re-homed". My previous owners didn't want me anymore after I did something terrible. I'm not going to tell you what it was, cuz momslave doesn't even know. Momslave has been threatening to find me a new home also, cuz she thinks I pee and poo on the carpet. Maybe I have, and maybe I haven't. The poos are small, so it could be the the cat. Even momslave has thought that a couple of times. But she also said that somtimes the poos are too big for the cat to do. I'm not telling anyone anything! I am the princess around here, and things should be as they should be. I love to sunbath out in the backyard. I just don't like doing my "duty" back there. Don't ask, and I'll tel no lies.
Dannii here folks, you can't believe all what Jenna tell's you. She is a real witch (with a capital B) in basenji skin. She can get right down and dirty with the rest of us. Whenever Zak or I get within 2 feet of here, she start's with her growling and snarking cuz she think's we're invading her territory. Give me a break why don't cha? I'm am the senior basenji here. I am almost 10 years old (in December), but I don't act like it. Yeah, I've slowed down some. But you get me out to the park, and if there are things there that interest me, such as chasing another dog, I am off like a shot in the dark. I greet the other dogs's and their slaves, course, I guess if they are not a basenji, then they have owner's and NOT slaves. Yep, there's a few dogs I will growl at, but that's as far as it goes, cuz then momslave slaps this thing over my mouth. She call's it a muzzle, and I don't like it one bit. She said that evertime I even curl my lip at another dog or heaven forbid, growl at another dog, she's gonna slap that thing over my mouth. Its not a pretty sight folks, believe me.
I have to admit that this blogging thing is real kool. We just hope that we can get a following. We're always up to something (no good, as momslave would say. I try not to get into too much trouble, I like to leave that to Zak and Jenna. Zak is still a young whippersnapper, and I like to try and teach him a thing or too, but he's trying to get bossy! With me, who IS the boss! So then he wants to fight. I'm game, but then that darn Jenna, she takes on whoever is winning the fight, and will go after the underdog along with the dog who is winning. Sometimes, its me, and have to admit a few times it was Zak. He charged at me, once or twice, and I got caught in a corner, so then I not only have to fight off Zak, but Jenna as well. So you see what I mean by her being a witch with a capital B in basenji skin.
times. See, Zak and I don't get to sleep with momslave, we sleep with the sonslave. Only his highness (Dannii) gets to sleep with momslave.
Dannii say's its because he's been here the longest, and that there was another female living here at the time too. She was a black and white basenji girl named MzLilli. He let Lilli sleep with him and momslave, but after Lilli crossed over the rainbow bridge, he liked having the bed to himself. If he could, he would even get momslave out of the bed, and have it all to himself. As if that would ever happen.
Anyway, back to me. It's ALL about me. See, I was what they call "re-homed". My previous owners didn't want me anymore after I did something terrible. I'm not going to tell you what it was, cuz momslave doesn't even know. Momslave has been threatening to find me a new home also, cuz she thinks I pee and poo on the carpet. Maybe I have, and maybe I haven't. The poos are small, so it could be the the cat. Even momslave has thought that a couple of times. But she also said that somtimes the poos are too big for the cat to do. I'm not telling anyone anything! I am the princess around here, and things should be as they should be. I love to sunbath out in the backyard. I just don't like doing my "duty" back there. Don't ask, and I'll tel no lies.

People, people, please don't believe all that doo-doo that Dannii is spouting off. I don't like to fight, really I don't. I would much rather find stuff to chew and shred, and rip or whatever, and Dannii happen's to be in the way.....well, then he's got to watch out, doesn't he? He only think's of himself as the boss, when we all know that I am the true boss around here. Somebody is in my chair, I will "pretend" to try and engatge them into playing, but as soon as they jump out of the chair, its mine, ALL mine. But then you know what happen's, one of them, mostly it will be Jenna, she will come back and do the same dang thing to me, just to get me out of my chair! I fall for everytime. When the heck will I ever learn?
Well, that's it for now folks. We hear momslave coming, and we need to sign off for now. Ya'll come back now Ya hear.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
We are new to this blogging stuff, and momslave wasn't too sure that she wanted us to be using her computer. We told her that some of our basenji friends already have blogs of their own, so she relented. There are rulz that she says we have to follow, or she will delete our blog. Rulz? what rulz? We don't obey any stinkin rulz. We're basenji's for crying out loud. We have a mind of our own, and will do as we please, thank you very much.
My name is Zak, and I am mostly the trouble maker, but Jenna and Dannii get in their fair share also. There is this email list that momslave is on; and once a year that have a thing called The revels (whatever that is). But momslaves and dadslaves can send in pictures by email for different things. Every year, it goes back and forth between me and a friend name Digger. We vie for first place for Devastation. This year, I let Digger win, as he did a REAL good job of chewing up a recliner/chair. I had to admire him, he did a fantastic job! While I only came in second for chewing up a nice hole in the carpet. Momslave was NOT happy! BTW, I did a recliner/chair a couple of years ago, and came in 1st place. Dannii got first place for Trouble (he got mud all over one side of his face). He's trying to tell everyone that it a "facial", but we know better. Jenna also came in first place for her Tricks and High Jinx. She gave sonslave (momslave's son) a high-five. I have to admit, it was pretty good. That's not me folks, I am the trouble maker. I like to chew, knaw, swallow, rip, shred all kind of things.......and not in that order! Sonslave once had a pair of very expensive jeans, and had only got to wear them twice, before I chewed out the whole butt (and nothing but the butt)!! He was NOT happy. I thought he would like my handiwork, but nope. He has no sence of humor. I truly thought he was going to do me bodily harm. I showed him my teeth (I wasn't going to bite....honest), it was just to warn him, but he was MAD, and just kept coming at me. I stood my ground, lowered my head to let him know I was sorry (hehehe, yeah right), and he just bopped me on the head. He's a sore sport.
Well, untill next time folks............hope ya'll come back now, ya hear
My name is Zak, and I am mostly the trouble maker, but Jenna and Dannii get in their fair share also. There is this email list that momslave is on; and once a year that have a thing called The revels (whatever that is). But momslaves and dadslaves can send in pictures by email for different things. Every year, it goes back and forth between me and a friend name Digger. We vie for first place for Devastation. This year, I let Digger win, as he did a REAL good job of chewing up a recliner/chair. I had to admire him, he did a fantastic job! While I only came in second for chewing up a nice hole in the carpet. Momslave was NOT happy! BTW, I did a recliner/chair a couple of years ago, and came in 1st place. Dannii got first place for Trouble (he got mud all over one side of his face). He's trying to tell everyone that it a "facial", but we know better. Jenna also came in first place for her Tricks and High Jinx. She gave sonslave (momslave's son) a high-five. I have to admit, it was pretty good. That's not me folks, I am the trouble maker. I like to chew, knaw, swallow, rip, shred all kind of things.......and not in that order! Sonslave once had a pair of very expensive jeans, and had only got to wear them twice, before I chewed out the whole butt (and nothing but the butt)!! He was NOT happy. I thought he would like my handiwork, but nope. He has no sence of humor. I truly thought he was going to do me bodily harm. I showed him my teeth (I wasn't going to bite....honest), it was just to warn him, but he was MAD, and just kept coming at me. I stood my ground, lowered my head to let him know I was sorry (hehehe, yeah right), and he just bopped me on the head. He's a sore sport.
Well, untill next time folks............hope ya'll come back now, ya hear
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