times. See, Zak and I don't get to sleep with momslave, we sleep with the sonslave. Only his highness (Dannii) gets to sleep with momslave.
Dannii say's its because he's been here the longest, and that there was another female living here at the time too. She was a black and white basenji girl named MzLilli. He let Lilli sleep with him and momslave, but after Lilli crossed over the rainbow bridge, he liked having the bed to himself. If he could, he would even get momslave out of the bed, and have it all to himself. As if that would ever happen.
Anyway, back to me. It's ALL about me. See, I was what they call "re-homed". My previous owners didn't want me anymore after I did something terrible. I'm not going to tell you what it was, cuz momslave doesn't even know. Momslave has been threatening to find me a new home also, cuz she thinks I pee and poo on the carpet. Maybe I have, and maybe I haven't. The poos are small, so it could be the the cat. Even momslave has thought that a couple of times. But she also said that somtimes the poos are too big for the cat to do. I'm not telling anyone anything! I am the princess around here, and things should be as they should be. I love to sunbath out in the backyard. I just don't like doing my "duty" back there. Don't ask, and I'll tel no lies.

People, people, please don't believe all that doo-doo that Dannii is spouting off. I don't like to fight, really I don't. I would much rather find stuff to chew and shred, and rip or whatever, and Dannii happen's to be in the way.....well, then he's got to watch out, doesn't he? He only think's of himself as the boss, when we all know that I am the true boss around here. Somebody is in my chair, I will "pretend" to try and engatge them into playing, but as soon as they jump out of the chair, its mine, ALL mine. But then you know what happen's, one of them, mostly it will be Jenna, she will come back and do the same dang thing to me, just to get me out of my chair! I fall for everytime. When the heck will I ever learn?
Well, that's it for now folks. We hear momslave coming, and we need to sign off for now. Ya'll come back now Ya hear.
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