A beautiful day, today. Normally, we go to the dog park on Sunday's, but since my friend is so busy with work, I truly hate going by myself. So, we stayed home today, and I let Dannii outside.
Am not sure if the above link will work or not, unless you have a Facebook account. It is a video taken today of Dannii outside. I guess once I post this, I will find out of it works or not. You may have to copy and paste. But just a reminder, if you don't have a Facebook account, it won't work, regardless. Just thought I would try and see if I can post a video here, without having to post it to You Tube.

This little guy was crying, as he was in a pen all by himself. Not sure why, or where his mother was at. When I was taken the video of Dannii just before he crossed the road (the above link), this little guy came running up to the fence. Normally, lambs and sheep will not get near someone they do not know. As you can see, he was very friendly, or else, very hungry. He did not try to bite my fingers and he did let me pet him.

This was taken back on our side of the road, after the video. The house in the back ground is not occupied. The people who used to live there, had chickens, and Dannii loved to go and chase the chickens, when he managed to escape out the front door. He wasn't looking for any chickens today, however.

I let Zak outside after Dannii went back in. The cat's name is Mocha. Her momma was a feral cat, and a few years ago, she had a litter of kittens under my back porch, and Mocha was one of them. I truly would have loved to have kept her, but at the time, Jenna would have killed her. So, my neighbor adopted her. I like to think we have co-ownership in her, altough she lives next door. I am surprised that she didn't run from Zak, as he would have given chase, and then I'm not sure what would have happened.

I let Jenna out, after I took Zak back in the house. Now, she took off and went down to the road, and wouldn't listen to me. I finally got her attention, and she came back, such a good girl. Yeah, right! LOL. That's one reason, I don't let her out too often, she doesn't listen, and she will take off. Where Zak did just what Dannii had done, just walked around and checking things out. MsPriss, here was going to take off down the road. If she had done that, then I would have had to get in the car to go after her! Next time, IF there is a next time, I am putting her on a leash.

Still in my jammies, but wanted to get a photo of Dannii and I, while my son was willing. Am goofing off, as I truly do not take good photos. Where I think I am smiling, I look like I am frowning or something. UGLY.

My son captured this picture of Dannii. He is one handsome dude, if I do say so myself. Is it any wonder, why he's my baby?

Well, here's the ugly picture I was talking about. I had the sun in my eyes and my son was taking so long in snapping the photo. I had a heck of a time getting up, and had to have my son help me. It is the pitts getting old. I don't feel old. Still feel like that 18 year old kid that I once was, only thing is that my body will not let me do the things that I used to do!
I had made a pot roast for dinner, along with mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans, etc. I'm wondering what Dannii would eat for dinner, that maybe he was getting a bit tired of the chicken thighs. So I gave him some of the roast with potatoes and tad bit of gravy and some beans. At first he just walked up slowly like he normally does, and sniffs to see if he might be interested in whatever I may have dumped in his bowl. He caught a sniff of the meat, and the rest is history as they say. He ate very well tonight. I was most happy. I hadn't seen him eat like that in a very long time.
The vet changed his Metoclopramide (nausea meds) over to Cerenia. There was only 4 tablets, and am suppose to give one once a day. I think they are helping. At least I hope so. But I will not get them through my vet again. They charged me $23.00 just for 4 pills. I can get them online for around $10.00. Will call Walmart and see if they carry it, and how if so, how much. I also upped his prednisone tablets, from 1.5 tablets a day to twice a day. Back in October, when the tumor shrunk way way down, my vet said to lower the prednisone. I believe that's why it came back so quickly. I should have upped it back then, but wasn't truly thinking straight then either.
He's not going to recover. I know that. But, I sure would like to have some more time with him. I am not ready to loose him yet. Am hoping for several more months, if the good LORD see's fit. Would truly love to have him make it to his next birthday which is not until December 12th. I know that seems impossible, but with GOD ALL things are possible. Just as long as he's not in any pain. However long Dannii is here with me, I will cherish.
Well, that's it for today. You all come back again, now hear?
Hi. I just found your blog and I'm enjoying your posts - though I'm very sorry to hear about your Danni. He sounds like a very good ol' boy. You haven't posted in a few day, so I hope everything is o.k. I have a 7 year old tri-color Basenji named Cleo. They certainly are a unique breed (temperment-wise) aren't they? I'm still trying to figure Cleo out! I look forward to reading more of your posts -- Take care, Jean
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jean. Have been so busy with work and with Dannii and my other two basenji's that it has been hard to keep up with everything.
ReplyDeleteI don't post everyday, as not much has changed from the day before.
Yes, you got that right, basenji's are a very unique breed. If you have one, you can never go back to a barking dog....at least I couldn't. I love the Tri's so much. Have been wanting one forever.