We want to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day. Us dogs really don't know what that is, but mom told me to say it to everyone.
This picture is of me (Zak) on the far left, with Dannii in the middle, and our friend Baree on the far right, with just the top of Jenna's head at the bottom. Someone mom was talking to at "our picnic table" was taking pictures of us, and he emailed this one to her. A good picture with what the park look's like from our back, instead of having the water behind us.

A nice head shot of Dannii. Mom's battery went kaput after taking this photo, so she couldn't get shots of Jenna or I.
We hope you all have lots of love for this special day. As for us dogs, we get love everyday in the form of food, a warm place to sleep, and a mom who love's us very much.
You all come back again, now hear?
Happy Valentine's Day to you guys, too! (A little late!)